Early Renovations since De-Recognition:

In December of 2015 the AD Board started and in 2016 completed a fundraising campaign from the AD Alumni which enabled covering costs, the initiation of improvements to the house, and the identification and evaluation of paths forward for AD. 

The improvements made to the house (Phase I below) included the cleaning of all the dorm rooms and the basement, the repair and restoration of the wood floors and walls to peak condition, and the introduction of some new furniture into the Great Hall. These pictures of the Jersey Room before and after Phase I serve as an example of the great difference the renovations so far have made to the house.

Phases I & II:

From 2015-2020 Phase I renovations restored most of the rooms on the 2nd floor after clearing out and deep cleaning a half a century of “heavy” use by most living alumni.

From 2020-2023 Phase II consisted of renovating and upgrading utilities in the basement, the main floor, and the bathroom on the 3rd floor.

Phases III:

Starting in 2025 we expect to undergo further and quite significant structural improvements necessary for code compliance for safe residence by Dartmouth undergraduates.